GraphAI is a deep-tech company founded in 2022 with a vision:
to deliver the most powerful graph-based AI solutions.
Our products elevate business competitiveness through
cutting edge innovation in generative AI transformation.
GraphAI Team
Min-Soo Kim
KAIST Professor
Taek-Yoon Kim
Head of Research
Head of Strategy
Donghyoung Han
Head of Technology
Inju Na
Head of Product
Join our team
ㆍ Development of a graph-based data integration engine
ㆍ Development of a synthetic data generation engine for AI
ㆍ Development of a Graph Neural Network (GNN) engine
ㆍ Development of a Graph-Relational DBMS (GRDBMS) engine
ㆍ Development of a Vector DBMS engine
ㆍ Development of engine interfaces (API/REST API/CLI/GUI)
ㆍ Productization for On-Premises/On-Clouds environments
ㆍ Major in Computer Science
ㆍ Essential Courses
Operating Systems, Database Systems, Computer Architecture
Machine Learning, Algorithms
ㆍ Proficiency in Linux system programming
ㆍ Proficiency in deep learning frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch, etc.)
ㆍ Problem-solving skills using C, C++, Python, and Java
ㆍ Excellent technical communication skills
ㆍ Experience with system programming using NVIDIA GPUs
ㆍ Experience in developing products/services using AWS
ㆍ Experience with big data frameworks (Hadoop, Spark, etc.)
ㆍ Experience in leading project teams
ㆍ PhD in Computer Science
Experience not required
ㆍ Development of a graph-based data integration engine
ㆍ Development of a synthetic data generation engine for AI
ㆍ Development of a Graph Neural Network (GNN) engine
ㆍ Development of a Graph-Relational DBMS (GRDBMS) engine
ㆍ Development of a Vector DBMS engine
ㆍ Development of engine interfaces (API/REST API/CLI/GUI)
ㆍ Productization for On-Premises/On-Clouds environments
ㆍ Major in Computer Science
ㆍ Essential Courses
Operating Systems, Database Systems, Computer Architecture
Machine Learning, Algorithms
ㆍ Proficiency in Linux system programming
ㆍ Proficiency in deep learning frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch, etc.)
ㆍ Problem-solving skills using C, C++, Python, and Java
ㆍ Excellent technical communication skills
ㆍ Experience with system programming using NVIDIA GPUs
ㆍ Experience in developing products/services using AWS
ㆍ Experience with big data frameworks (Hadoop, Spark, etc.)
ㆍ MS in Computer Science
ㆍ We collect various personal information on this website, including your name, mobile number, and email address.
ㆍ Person information:
Job type, First Name, Last Name, Email, Mobile, Resume/CV,
LinkedIn, Military Status, etc.
ㆍ The personal information collected on this website is used to understand the contact details, skills, and experiences of candidates applying to our company.
ㆍ The collected personal information is retained for six months from the date of entry and is then promptly deleted.
ㆍ However, if there is a need to retain the information as per relevant laws, it will be kept for the required duration.
ㆍ The collected personal information is not provided to third parties without the applicant's consent.
ㆍ Exceptions are made if there is a legal obligation to provide the information as per relevant laws.
ㆍ Personal information is promptly destroyed after the retention period has elapsed.
ㆍ Entered personal information is completely deleted from our internal databases and storage devices.
ㆍ Applicants have the right to refuse consent to the collection and use of personal information.
ㆍ However, refusal to consent means you will not be able to apply to our company.
Copyright © 2023 GraphAI Co. Ltd. All rights reserved.
ㆍ 이름, 모바일, 이메일을 포함한 본 홈페이지에서 수집하는 모든 개인정보
ㆍ 개인정보 항목
Job type, First Name, Last Name, Email, Mobile, Resume/CV,
LinkedIn, Military Status 등
ㆍ 본 홈페이지에서 수집하는 개인정보는 귀사에 지원하는 인재들의 연락처, 기술, 경험 등을 파악하기 위한 자료로 활용됩니다.
ㆍ 수집된 개인정보는 입력한 날짜로부터 6개월간 보관되며, 이후 지체 없이 파기됩니다.
ㆍ 단, 관계 법령에 의거하여 보존할 필요가 있는 경우 해당 기간 동안 보관됩니다.
ㆍ 수집된 개인정보는 지원자의 동의 없이 제3자에게 제공되지 않습니다.
ㆍ 단, 관계 법령에 의거하여 제공할 의무가 있는 경우는 예외로 합니다.
ㆍ 보유 기간 경과 후 개인정보는 지체 없이 파기됩니다.
ㆍ 입력한 개인정보는 사내 데이터베이스 및 저장 장치에서 완전히 삭제됩니다.
ㆍ 지원자는 개인정보 수집 및 이용에 대한 동의를 거부할 권리가 있습니다.
ㆍ 동의 거부시에는 본사에 지원하실 수 없습니다.